A close up portrait of a woman in a leather jacket. Taken in Studio by Norwich Portrait Photographer Claire Howes of Atelier Creative.

Want to learn more about our For You Photography sessions? Please click here. 

One of the services I offer is called the For You portrait session and I love them so much. We offer styling, bespoke portrait settings and professional hair & make-up to make you feel like you are being photographed for the cover of Vanity Fair!

It's far too easy for us not to document who we are. We are so busy making sure that everyone around us is catered for and we forget to take a step back and look after us.

This wonderful lady came in for a session approximately nine months after I photographed her daughter for a session all by herself. She had never experienced a session alone before so really wasn't sure what to expect, but by the end of the session I had captured this. She grew in her confidence and warmed up to the camera.

I think it's fair to say that she was a little hesitant at first because she wasn't entirely sure what to expect. Well, you would never know it from this image!! She's so confident and her guard is down. I personally love it! I pose and talk my clients through everything, even down to the micro expression on their face, to put them at ease and let them know that 'I've got this'. After all, I'm their eyes through the camera lens.

I love taking a close up portrait. Some people wonder why photographers chop heads off! It's the composition that makes this image so impactful. She's right up close to you, connecting with her amazing eyes and it's very strong. Photographers like to section their images up into 3rds for composition as the brain subconscious views images in this way. Her eyes are sitting on the top third line.

Did you know this about the photography rule of thirds? Would you have taken this any differently? Let me know!

As always, please feel free to message me with any questions or just to say hi! Also, please follow #AtelierCreative for photography hints and tips.

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existing in print


headshots & adapting