first aid marketed


A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to attend one of Helen Tweed's (from Go and Get Trained) Emergency First Aid at Work courses and just happen to take the camera with me.

Helen is phenomenal at what she does, she truly is. Not many people know, but when I was much younger I used to train lifeguards to pass their Pool Lifeguard qualification so First Aid was very much my life. Well, knowing that, I always dread my First Aid certificate renewal because it's so important to have but I have met some really bad trainers in my life and know if they are making it up/going off book/or just dangerous in their training!

I am so happy to say that, Helen is brilliant! She is worth going to for all your First Aid training needs as she is informative, up-to-date, correct and safe in giving you the best practise as well as making it fun and enjoyable!

It was a pleasure to get some marketing content for her to use on her website/social media/marketing paraphernalia.

Marketing content is so important and people don't realise it. It builds credibility with new prospects who may not know you or what you do and it shows authority to existing clients. It also builds trust and confidents with everyone. So much of the time people go to a website and can read all about what you do, but seeing it is so important! It stops you being 'sales-y' and creates value for potential customers to engage with.

It's something I love to offer as an extension of my personal branding work, so if it's something you're interested in then please give me a shout.

If you are in need of updating your First Aid Course (something we all should keep current!), Helen is running an Emergency First Aid at Work Course on the 19th October (1 day course) so please message her (or myself as I'm happy to pass on details) as I know she has a few spaces, but she's so good she fills up fast!

#norwich #photography #marketingcontent #existinphotos


empowering boudoir


lead rope, no problems