wall art for the win

Image of a young woman in her 20s standing in a beam of light in a sparkly dress. This is put into a wall frame and hung on the wall of a blue room. Taken by Norwich Women's Portrait Photographer Claire Howes, Atelier Creative.

Last week I got to deliver some gorgeous wall art to one of my clients and it looks positively beautiful! It's bespoke to their tastes and of museum quality so that they art will outlive them, their children and much longer than that.

What a beautiful gift to hand down to future generations!

It got me thinking about why I use the print house I do. They are high-end, produce the absolute best quality and all their products are made with love and attention to last a lifetime.

Let's be honest, it would most definitely be far easier for me (and more profitable) to offer my clients a lower-end print house. However, terrible it is for my business model, I will just not scrimp on quality when it comes to my clients and the production of their art.
I'm not interested in the cheapest. I'm interested in the best for my clients.

Why on earth would you commission a portrait photographer to produce timeless work for you if is then printed using sub-par quality, won't last and is not sustainable for the environment?
All my wall art is hand-produced using solid wooden frames, which are made of wood the is FSC certified.

What is absolutely fanatic is that the print house plants three trees for every piece of wall art they produce! If that's not important in today's climate crisis, I don't know what is.

Now, when it comes to the printing of the work, I always make sure that all images are on upgraded paper to suit the individual needs of the imagery. No standard lustre paper (that you get at Boots or Snappy Snaps) is used by me but fine art papers, which shows off all pieces in the finest way possible.
Now, it is also important to note that most wall art comes as standard with acrylic in the front of it for protection, which to me is not the best way to view your imagery. As standard, all artwork has museum art glass, which remove annoying reflections so you can see your art and also protects it from UV light, so your art stays as perfect as it is the day it's hung.

If glass is not your thing, I also offer an option which means the print house gives your image seven hand coats of giclee varnish to seal and protect it forever more.

So why does it matter?
Well, why on earth would you spend hard earned cash on beautiful portraits to not have them look how they should do with professional printing and product?

Half of the job is the production of the prints but until you see them in person, finished with precision and printed so the colours are viewed how they should be seen with expert colour profiles and ink on the best paper, you've not done the images justice.
It is like designing your dream dress and then making it out of cotton instead of the desired silk it was designed to be produced in.
So, for me, wall art is absolutely an investment but something that every day I look at brings a smile to my face. I just wish I had beautiful pieces of some of my loved ones who are no longer with us. That would have been the ultimate gift passed down to me looking perfect from the day it was produced.
Do you have wall art in your home?

If you want to learn more about what goes into a Portrait Session with us, please head over to hear or drop us and email.

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