baby love

Portait of a baby and his teddy bear. Taken in studio by Norwich Portrait Photographer Claire Howes, Atelier Creative.

I don't really do babies. I fine photographers that do both a little weird and also incredibly talented at the same time! However, I do love it when they get to sitting up. Such a beautiful time to capture in a child life and watching their eyes take in everything around them is so precious.

That's why when Becky was gifted a Mummy & Me Voucher for Mother's Day she brought in her little one and we set about creating something magical. In fact, Becky already knew how she wanted him to be photographed so I took on the challenge to style and light the session so we achieved a painterly portrait. The teddy bear was given to her when she was a little girl, so it was wonderful to be able to incorporate it with her little one!

I've shared this sneak peek with her but I can't wait to show her the rest!

Do you like painterly portraits for your walls?

As always, please message me with any questions or just to say hi! I'm always here to help!

Also, follow #ateliercreative for more hints & tips about portrait photography.

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