12 in 12: February

Self-portrait of Norwich Women's Portrait Photographer Claire Howes, Atelier Creative.

Want to learn more about our For You Portrait sessions? Click here

How have we stepped into February already?! I feel like only yesterday we were starting a brand, new, shiny 2023. It's full steam ahead for me with the 40 Over 40 Project and Personal Branding for businesses but it was so important to find some time for my 12 in 12: Self Portraiture project and get in front of the camera and understand what I'm asking of my clients on a daily basis.

This month I was brain storming subject ideas for my project and I kept coming back to butterflies. You can feel it in the air that we are moving away from Winter and bulbs are starting to poke through the soil. Before you know it the butterflies will be dancing around the countryside again and I can't wait for Spring. We are very lucky where I live that we get this very rare blue butterfly and it's always such a treat to see them - they are so dainty and beautiful yet so strong and tireless in their daily tasks. It's a rare sight but an absolute treat when you spot them. So valuable and visually stunning.

As part of my transformation headed into my 40s I want to lose my baby weight and feel more like me again so I began to notice that their are butterflies on my Slimming World book. It's been a long time coming because I've been putting my twin girls first, but I now want to reclaim me a little and feel happier in my own skin. Seeing butterflies on that book makes me think about how we are all going through transformations in our lives, whether physically or mentally. We all have stories to tell and that's one of the most privileged parts of my job - I get to hear them first hand and really get to know my clients. I love hearing their stories and capturing that in imagery.

By undertaking 12 in 12 you can learn a bit more about me, and my journey into photography as I close my 30s and enter my 40s.
2023 is so exciting so far! Have you ever taken a self-portrait?

As always, drop me a message to say hi or ask me anything! Plus follow #ateliercreative for more photography hints and tips.

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