turning forty

Self portrait of Norwich Portraight photographer Claire Howes taken in studio with her Canon Camera.

Well, it happened. On Saturday I reached the grand age of 40. And do you know what?! I love it!

I know that sounds strange to some but I have spent so much time in the past two years with people in their 40s and beyond and they are incredible! All of them. They come from all different walks of life, have learnt things about themselves along the way and are embracing everything to the full.

Gone are the days of worrying about other people. You really have no control over others thoughts and feelings. YES YOU READ THAT RIGHT. You have no control. We know this because when something happens (for example a nice topical one for this weekend, Person X wins Strictly!) we all have different reactions to the same piece of news.

I think it's only when you get to this kind of mile stone that you truly realise it's time to realise that all the worry just isn't worth it.

Out of all the wonderful women I have photographed this year, the one real unifying piece of advice they would give their 20 year old selves has been to stop worrying so much and to just get on with things and do it. Now is the time to embrace life and all it's idiosyncrasies - that's what makes it worth living

I didn't have a huge party for my 40th (who does this close the Xmas?!) but I did use it as an excuse to catch up with my best friend over a spa day, spend time with my mummy friends painting pottery with a glass (or two) of Prosecco, heading out for a Xmas meal with my networking friends and then a wonderful meal and trip to see the seals with my Dad, Husband and Daughters.

My cup is well and truly full!

And there will be a party, BUT it will be with the other wonder 40 women who have been sharing this journey with me for my 40 Over 40 Project when I get to exhibit their images! There will def be a Prosecco or two there as well!

When I was painting pottery this week I wanted to put a quote on my jug I chose to sum up how I go into my next 40 and it had to be this one from Jane Austen, whom I share my birthdate with.

"Know your own happiness,

Want for nothing but patience

- Or give it a more fascinating name:

Call it hope."


If you want to know more about my 40 Over 40 Project then please head over here or drop me a message and say hi!




40 over 40: meet asma