scorched grass, not a problem

Portrait of a Papillion running through a woodland, North of Norwich. Taken by Dog Photographer Claire Howes, Atelier Creative.

I've had a lot of enquiries for my Canine Portrait Sessions recently who are concerned about the grass... or lack there of! We are going through a massive drought and so our once beautifully green English grass is looking a little bit toasted! Well, please don't worry as this won't affect your beautiful images at all.

I took this action portrait of the wonderfully bouncy Wren last week and decided to tone her surroundings in with her colouring to compliment her. It also allows your eyes to focus straight into her, which is what you want with a portrait. Now, most of ground was straw and all around her are bright green ferns would you believe. So this time, I toned everything away from green, but I can just as easily turn that yellow, scolded grass, back a beautiful shade of green.

Do you like the colour tones of this image? Would you go for an action portrait?

As always, please message me with any questions or just to say hi! I'm always here to help!

Also, follow #ateliercreative for more hints & tips about portrait photography.

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